Hi everybody Im using doctrine ODM and have trouble with hydrator. I can't make extract on document with embed collection nor reference Class. the extract result for these class give me object and i really need to have them in array for rest module which is consumed by backbone implementation. Here a example class : Analyse.php Document

namespace Application\Document;

use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as ODM;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;

 * Application\Document\Analyse
 * @ODM\Document(collection="analyse")
class Analyse extends BaseDocument
     * @ODM\Id
    protected $id;

     * @ODM\Field(type="string")
    protected $nom;

     * @ODM\Field(type="string")
     * @ODM\Index
    protected $alias;

     * @ODM\EmbedMany(targetDocument="ElementsAnalyse")
    protected $elements = array();

    public function __construct()
        $this->elements = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function setNom($nom)
        $this->nom = $nom;
        return $this;

    public function getNom()
        return $this->nom;

    public function setAlias($alias)
        $this->alias = $alias;
        return $this;

    public function getAlias()
        return $this->alias;

    public function addElements(Collection $elements)
        foreach ($elements as $element) {


    public function removeElements(Collection $elements)
        foreach ($elements as $item) {

    public function getElements()
        return $this->elements;


ElementAnalyse.php Collection


namespace Application\Document;

use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as ODM;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;

 * Application\Document\Valeurnormales
 * @ODM\EmbeddedDocument
class ElementsAnalyse

     * @ODM\Field(type="string")
    protected $nom;

     * @ODM\Field(type="string")
    protected $unite;

     * @ODM\EmbedMany(targetDocument="ValeurNormales")
    protected $valeurnormales = array();

     * @ODM\Field(type="string")
    protected $type;

    public function __construct()
        $this->valeurnormales = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();

     * Set nom
    public function setNom($nom)
        $this->nom = $nom;
        return $this;

     * Get nom
    public function getNom()
        return $this->nom;

     * Set unite
    public function setUnite($unite)
        $this->unite = $unite;
        return $this;

     * Get unite
     * @return string
    public function getUnite()
        return $this->unite;

     * add valeurnormales
    public function addValeurnormales(Collection $vn)
        foreach ($vn as $item) {

    public function removeValeurnormales(Collection $vn)
        foreach ($vn as $item) {

     * Get valeurnormales
    public function getValeurnormales()
        return $this->valeurnormales;

     * Set type
     * @param $type
     * @return Analyse
    public function setType($type)
        $this->type = $type;
        return $this;

     * Get type
     * @return Type
    public function getType()
        return $this->type;

     * toArray function
    public function toArray()
        return get_object_vars($this);

     * fromArray function
    public function fromArray(array $array)
        $objects = $this->toArray();
        foreach($array as $item => $value)
            if(array_key_exists($item, $objects))
                $this->$item = $value;


Here my getList Method

public function getList()
        $hydrator = new DoctrineHydrator($entityManager, 'Application\Document\Analyse');

        $service = $this->getAnalyseService();
        $results = $service->findAll();

        $data = $hydrator->extract($results);
        return new JsonModel($data);

And obviously var_dump($data['elements']) return object Collection or proxy class Can You help me. Anything will be appreciated it been 2 weeks i can't make it work. Read about Hydrator Strategy out there but i don't knnow how to implement it.


1 回答 1


目前,Doctrine ODM 实现不为嵌入对象和引用提供递归。

如果您var_dump()在 上使用$hydrator->extract($results),您会看到所有嵌入/引用都以其原始对象格式存在。

您可以在这里做的是使用Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy,并定义您自己的提取/水合逻辑。Doctrine 扩展了 Zend Framework 2 的 hydrators 和策略。

于 2014-03-30T23:55:14.167 回答