I'm making a simple quiz in ASP.NET MVC4. This is my first application so I'm really new to this.

The problem is, when I display @Viewbag.ans1 (or ans2 etc.), nothing displays. I've done a lot of searching, but I think I may have more than one problem.

Per asawyer's question, the reason I didn't use the Model was that I figured I didn't need a database to keep track of the user's answers and that Viewbag would suffice for that (not sure if I figured right though). I am using it for something else though (the quiz answers).

Here is my Results View. The @Viewbag.ans1 displays nothing on output.:

    ViewBag.Title = "Results";


<p># Correct: 9/10</p> <!--hardcoded, will change later-->

<p>Grade: A </p> <!--hardcoded, will change later-->
<p>Your Answers: </p>
<p>1. @ViewBag.Ans1</p>
<p>2. @ViewBag.Ans2 </p>
<p>3. @Html.Raw(ViewBag.Ans3)</p> <!--Trying a different way here-->
<p>4. @Html.Raw(ViewBag.Ans4)</p> <!--Here too-->
<p>5. @Html.Raw(ViewBag.Ans5)</p> <!--Here too-->
<p>6. @ViewBag.Ans6</p>
<p>7. @ViewBag.Ans7</p>
<p>8. @ViewBag.Ans8</p>
<p>9. @ViewBag.Ans9</p>
<p>10. @ViewBag.Ans10</p>

    @Html.ActionLink("Retry the test?", "Index")

Here is my Question_1 View. I'm only showing this because this is where I'm setting my Answer variable in my @Html.ActionLink below:

    ViewBag.Title = "Question_1";

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 
<ol class="round">
    <li class="one">
        What is the name of this website?
        @Html.ActionLink("Yes", "Question_2", new{ Answer = true} )
        @Html.ActionLink("No", "Question_2",  new{ Answer = false} )

Here is my Quiz_Controller:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace Matts_Quiz.Controllers
    public class QuizController : Controller
        // GET: /Index/ 

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

        // GET: /Question_1/ 

        public ActionResult Question_1()
            return View();

        // GET: /Question_2/ 

        public ActionResult Question_2(bool Answer)
            if (Answer == true)
                ViewBag.Ans1 = "Y";
            else if (Answer == false)
                ViewBag.Ans1 = "N";
                ViewBag.Ans1 = "Miss";
            return View();

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