这是第一个在 map 操作中保持闭包的方法。
package com.fs;
* This interface is responsible for holding the closures when it comes to map.
* It uses two generic types. One for the argument and one for the return type.
* @param <B> Generic type
* @param <A> Generic type
public interface Func<B,A> {
* Function prototype m takes an argument of type A and returns a type B.
* A map operation can produce a different type.
* @param x of type A
* @return type B
B m(A x);
package com.fs;
* This interface is responsible for holding the closures when it comes to filter.
* @param <A> Generic type
public interface Pred<A> {
* Function prototype m takes an argument of type A and returns a boolean.
* A filter operation checks every element if it fits a predicate.
* @param x of type A
* @return boolean
boolean m(A x);
我有一个名为 CList 的类,它能够使用闭包。
package com.impl.list;
import com.fs.*;
public class CList<T> {
T head;
CList<T> tail;
public CList(T x, CList<T> xs){
head = x;
tail = xs;
static <A,B> CList<B> map(Func<B,A> f, CList<A> xs){
return null;
return new CList<>(f.m(xs.head),map(f,xs.tail));
static <A,B> CList<B> maploop(Func<B,A> f, CList<A> xs){
return null;
static <A> CList<A> filter(Pred<A> f, CList<A> xs){
if(xs == null){
return null;
return new CList<>(xs.head, filter(f,xs.tail));
return filter(f,xs.tail);
static <A> int length(CList<A> xs){
int ans =0;
while(xs!= null){
return ans;
这是我用闭包实现 CList 的公共接口。
package com.impl.list;
import com.fs.Func;
import com.fs.Pred;
public class CListClient {
public static CList<Integer> doubleAll(CList<Integer> xs){
Func<Integer, Integer> df = new Func<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer m(Integer x) {
return x * 2;
return CList.map(df, xs);
public static int countNs(CList<Integer> xs,final int n){
Pred<Integer> pf = new Pred<Integer>() {
public boolean m(Integer x) {
return x==n;
return CList.length(CList.filter(pf, xs));
public static CList<Integer> doubleAllloop(CList<Integer> xs){
Func<Integer, Integer> df = new Func<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer m(Integer x) {
return x * 2;
return CList.maploop(df, xs);
package basic;
import com.impl.list.CList;
import com.impl.list.CListClient;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ListTester {
CList<Integer> intlist_1 = new CList<>(new Integer(1),null);
CList<Integer> intlist_2 = new CList<>(new Integer(2),intlist_1);
CList<Integer> intlist_3 = new CList<>(new Integer(3),intlist_2);
CList<Integer> intlist_4 = new CList<>(new Integer(4),intlist_3);
CList<Integer> intlist_5 = new CList<>(new Integer(4),intlist_4);
CList<Integer> intlist = new CList<>(new Integer(5),intlist_5);
public void test_doubleAll(){
CList<Integer> doubled = CListClient.doubleAll(intlist);
CList<Integer> doubledloop = CListClient.doubleAllloop(intlist);
public void test_CountNs(){
int count3s = CListClient.countNs(intlist, 3);
我正在尝试将以递归方式实现的 map 函数转换为 while 循环。我把它命名为maploop。这两天让我的大脑受伤。任何提示都会让我非常高兴。我在这里问这个问题是因为有人可能会参加 Dan Grossman 课程并查看示例并尝试实现该功能。我更喜欢提示而不是实际答案。谢谢。