我希望用自定义查询中的值填充 symfony2 中的选择框。我试图尽可能地简化。
class PageController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$fields = $this->get('fields');
$countries = $fields->getCountries(); // returns a array of countries e.g. array('UK', 'France', 'etc')
$routeSetup = new RouteSetup(); // this is the entity
$routeSetup->setCountries($countries); // sets the array of countries
$chooseRouteForm = $this->createForm(new ChooseRouteForm(), $routeSetup);
return $this->render('ExampleBundle:Page:index.html.twig', array(
'form' => $chooseRouteForm->createView()
class ChooseRouteForm extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
// errors... ideally I want this to fetch the items from the $routeSetup object
$builder->add('countries', 'choice', array(
'choices' => $this->routeSetup->getCountries()
public function getName()
return 'choose_route';