I have a rather simple situation that I just dont have the familiarity with C# to address.

I have a DataTable object returned from a webservice. I want the user to be able to filter and analyze the data so I create a DataView object. I have a ListBox that is the

One of the basic functions is I want them to be able to do searches of the data. So I get clever and add a textbox and an event for the textbox.

private void textbox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        ((DataView)listbox1.DataSource).RowFilter = "mycolumn LIKE '*"+textbox1.Text+"*'";

Problem is, if the user enters any special characters on accident (say [ or ] or *) it could screw up the match expression. Its like a classic SQL injection safety problem. The problem is the SQL blacklist characters are well documented (and often libraries will even contain methods that make strings sql safe because it's such a common problem) but this "RowFilter" expression isn't SQL and doesn't have well documented blacklist or escape characters.

Does anyone have an idea for how to elegantly solve this problem?


1 回答 1


所有可用的关键字/函数都有很好的记录:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.datacolumn.expression (v=vs.71).aspx

您没有 SQL 注入的安全问题 --> 您只需处理您的数据表,因此没有人可以未经授权访问数据库。您要做的最重要的事情是转义单引号并最终转义额外的通配符。

于 2013-04-05T14:21:41.173 回答