xandy :: Element_w_Coord Cell -> Coord
xandy (e, (x, y)) = (x, y)
transition_world :: Ordered_Lists_2D Cell -> Element_w_Coord Cell -> Ordered_Lists_2D Cell
transition_world world (cell, (x, y)) = case (cell, (x, y)) of
(Head, (x, y))-> map_Ordered_Lists_2D Tail world
(Tail, (x, y)) -> map_Ordered_Lists_2D Conductor world
(Empty, (x, y)) -> map_Ordered_Lists_2D Empty world
(Conductor, (x, y)) -> map_Ordered_Lists_2D Head world
Couldn't match expected type `Element_w_Coord e0 -> Cell'
with actual type `Cell'
In the first argument of `map_Ordered_Lists_2D', namely `Tail'
In the expression: map_Ordered_Lists_2D Tail world
In a case alternative:
(Head, (x, y)) -> map_Ordered_Lists_2D Tail world
type Ordered_Lists_2D e = [Sparse_Line e]
data Sparse_Line e = Sparse_Line {y_pos :: Y_Coord, entries :: Placed_Elements e}
data Placed_Element e = Placed_Element {x_pos :: X_Coord, entry :: e}
type Placed_Elements e = [Placed_Element e]
map_Ordered_Lists_2D :: (Element_w_Coord e -> b) -> Ordered_Lists_2D e -> Ordered_Lists_2D b
map_Ordered_Lists_2D f world = case world of
l: ls -> map_line f l: map_Ordered_Lists_2D f ls
[] -> []
map_line :: (Element_w_Coord e -> b) -> Sparse_Line e -> Sparse_Line b
map_line f line = Sparse_Line {y_pos = (y_pos line), entries = map_elements f (y_pos line) (entries line)}
map_elements :: (Element_w_Coord e -> b) -> Y_Coord -> Placed_Elements e -> Placed_Elements b
map_elements f y elements = case elements of
c: cs -> Placed_Element {x_pos = (x_pos c), entry = f ((entry c), ((x_pos c), y))}: map_elements f y cs
[] -> []