这是 Datagrid 视图的 viewModel:
public class BViewModel : Screen
private List<Article> articles;
public List<Article> Articles
return this.articles;
private set
if (this.articles == value)
this.articles = value;
this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Articles);
public BolleViewModel()
Articles = recoverArticles(); //returns a list of articles
public void Update(List<Article> list)
Articles = list;
//is associated with a button
public void Detail()
WindowManager.ShowWindow(new DetailArticleViewModel(SelectedArticle, Articles), null, null);
MessageBox.Show("Select an article","Error!",MessageBoxButton.OK,MessageBoxImage.Error);
DetailArticleViewModel 改变Articles 列表中的一项并调用BViewModel 的Update 方法。
public class DetailArticleViewModel : Screen
public List<Article > GeneralList;
public Article ArticleSelected;
public BViewModel bw;
public DetailArticleViewModel(Article art,List<Article> arts,BViewModel viewmodel)
ArticleSelected = art;
GeneralList = arts;
bw = viewmodel;
// is associated with a button
public void Save()
var index = GeneralList.FindIndex(item => item.Code.CompareTo(ArticleSelected.Code)==0);
GeneralList[index].Price = 900;
但是精选文章的价格不是900!为什么 ?