调用未定义函数 exif_read_data()
我已经在 exif 扩展之前启用了 mbstring 扩展,但我仍然收到此错误。
So you php.ini needs to look like this (under Windows):
1 extension=php_mbstring.dll
2 extension=php_exif.dll
and not:
1 extension=php_exif.dll
2 extension=php_mbstring.dll
restart apache good luck!
update 1
Try this code and put back the result
$ini = get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path');
echo '<pre>ini: ', $ini, "\n";
foreach(file($ini) as $l) {
if ( false!==strpos($l, '_exif') || false!==strpos($l, '_mbstring') ) {
echo $l;
echo '<pre>';
update 2
check “ext” directory of your PHP installation and see the file php_exif.dll
was there.
update 3 try http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/