您好,我正在寻找一种有效的方法来POSIXct从 a 中选择行,data.table使得一天中的时间少于说12:00:00(注意不需要毫秒,因此我们可以使用ITime例如)

set.seed(1); N = 1e7;
DT = data.table(dts = .POSIXct(1e5*rnorm(N), tz="GMT"))
#       1: 1969-12-31 06:35:54.618925
#       2: 1970-01-01 05:06:04.332422
#     ---                           
# 9999999: 1970-01-03 00:37:00.035565
#10000000: 1969-12-30 08:30:23.624506

一种解决方案(这里的问题是,如果 N 很大,演员表可能会很昂贵)

f <- function(t, st, et) {time <- as.ITime(t); return(time>=as.ITime(st) & time<=as.ITime(et))}
P <- function(t, s) { #geekTrader solution
    ep <- .parseISO8601(s) 
    if(grepl('T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}', s)){
        first.time <- as.double(ep$first.time)
        last.time <- as.double(ep$last.time)-31449600
        SecOfDay <- as.double(t) %% 86400
        return(SecOfDay >= first.time & SecOfDay <= last.time )
    } else {
        return(t >= ep$first.time & t <= ep$last.time)    


system.time(resf <- DT[f(dts,'00:00:00','11:59:59')])
   user  system elapsed 
   1.01    0.28    1.29
system.time(resP <- DT[P(dts,'T00:00:00/T11:59:59')])
   user  system elapsed 
   0.64    0.13    0.76 

[1] TRUE

4 回答 4

 P <- function(t, s) {
  ep <- .parseISO8601(s)

  if(grepl('T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}', s)){
    first.time <- as.double(ep$first.time)
    last.time <- as.double(ep$last.time)-31449600
    SecOfDay <- as.double(t) %% 86400
    return(SecOfDay >= first.time & SecOfDay <= last.time )

  } else {
    return(t >= ep$first.time & t <= ep$last.time)    


F <- function(t, st, et) {
  time <- as.ITime(t) 
  return(time>=as.ITime(st) & time<=as.ITime(et))

 N = 1e7;

 DT <- data.table(dts = .POSIXct(1e5*rnorm(N), tz="GMT"))

 system.time(resP <- DT[P(dts, 'T00:00:00/T12:00:00'), ])
##   user  system elapsed 
##   1.11    0.11    1.22 
 system.time(resF <- DT[F(dts,'00:00:00','12:00:00')])
##   user  system elapsed 
##   2.22    0.29    2.51 

##                         dts
##      1: 1969-12-31 06:35:54
##      2: 1970-01-01 05:06:04
##      3: 1969-12-31 00:47:17
##      4: 1970-01-01 09:09:10
##      5: 1969-12-31 01:12:33
##     ---                    
##5000672: 1970-01-01 06:08:15
##5000673: 1970-01-01 05:02:27
##5000674: 1969-12-31 02:25:24
##5000675: 1970-01-03 00:37:00
##5000676: 1969-12-30 08:30:23
##                         dts
##      1: 1969-12-31 06:35:54
##      2: 1970-01-01 05:06:04
##      3: 1969-12-31 00:47:17
##      4: 1970-01-01 09:09:10
##      5: 1969-12-31 01:12:33
##     ---                    
##5000672: 1970-01-01 06:08:15
##5000673: 1970-01-01 05:02:27
##5000674: 1969-12-31 02:25:24
##5000675: 1970-01-03 00:37:00
##5000676: 1969-12-30 08:30:23

 #Check the correctness
##       as.Date              mindts
## 1: 1969-12-31 1969-12-31 12:00:00
## 2: 1970-01-01 1970-01-01 12:00:00
## 3: 1969-12-29 1969-12-29 12:00:00
## 4: 1970-01-02 1970-01-02 12:00:00
## 5: 1969-12-30 1969-12-30 12:00:00
## 6: 1970-01-03 1970-01-03 12:00:00
## 7: 1970-01-04 1970-01-04 11:59:59
## 8: 1970-01-05 1970-01-05 11:59:45
## 9: 1969-12-28 1969-12-28 12:00:00
##10: 1969-12-27 1969-12-27 11:59:21
##11: 1970-01-06 1970-01-06 10:53:21
##12: 1969-12-26 1969-12-26 10:15:03
##13: 1970-01-07 1970-01-07 08:21:55
##       as.Date              mindts
## 1: 1969-12-31 1969-12-31 12:00:00
## 2: 1970-01-01 1970-01-01 12:00:00
## 3: 1969-12-29 1969-12-29 12:00:00
## 4: 1970-01-02 1970-01-02 12:00:00
## 5: 1969-12-30 1969-12-30 12:00:00
## 6: 1970-01-03 1970-01-03 12:00:00
## 7: 1970-01-04 1970-01-04 11:59:59
## 8: 1970-01-05 1970-01-05 11:59:45
## 9: 1969-12-28 1969-12-28 12:00:00
##10: 1969-12-27 1969-12-27 11:59:21
##11: 1970-01-06 1970-01-06 10:53:21
##12: 1969-12-26 1969-12-26 10:15:03
##13: 1970-01-07 1970-01-07 08:21:55


 DT[P(dts, '1970')]
##                         dts
##      1: 1970-01-01 05:06:04
##      2: 1970-01-02 20:18:48
##      3: 1970-01-01 09:09:10
##      4: 1970-01-01 13:32:22
##      5: 1970-01-01 20:30:32
##     ---                    
##5001741: 1970-01-02 15:51:12
##5001742: 1970-01-03 01:41:31
##5001743: 1970-01-01 06:08:15
##5001744: 1970-01-01 05:02:27
##5001745: 1970-01-03 00:37:00
 DT[P(dts, '197001')]
##                         dts
##      1: 1970-01-01 05:06:04
##      2: 1970-01-02 20:18:48
##      3: 1970-01-01 09:09:10
##      4: 1970-01-01 13:32:22
##      5: 1970-01-01 20:30:32
##     ---                    
##5001741: 1970-01-02 15:51:12
##5001742: 1970-01-03 01:41:31
##5001743: 1970-01-01 06:08:15
##5001744: 1970-01-01 05:02:27
##5001745: 1970-01-03 00:37:00
 DT[P(dts, '19700102')]
##                         dts
##      1: 1970-01-02 20:18:48
##      2: 1970-01-02 17:59:38
##      3: 1970-01-02 07:14:53
##      4: 1970-01-02 02:13:03
##      5: 1970-01-02 01:31:37
##     ---                    
##1519426: 1970-01-02 11:25:24
##1519427: 1970-01-02 10:00:21
##1519428: 1970-01-02 05:21:25
##1519429: 1970-01-02 05:11:26
##1519430: 1970-01-02 15:51:12
 DT[P(dts, '19700102 00:00:00/19700103 12:00:00')]
##                         dts
##      1: 1970-01-02 20:18:48
##      2: 1970-01-02 17:59:38
##      3: 1970-01-02 07:14:53
##      4: 1970-01-02 02:13:03
##      5: 1970-01-02 01:31:37
##     ---                    
##1785762: 1970-01-02 05:21:25
##1785763: 1970-01-02 05:11:26
##1785764: 1970-01-02 15:51:12
##1785765: 1970-01-03 01:41:31
##1785766: 1970-01-03 00:37:00

 #Check the correctness again
 DT[P(dts, '19700102 00:00:00/19700103 12:00:00'), max(dts)]
##[1] "1970-01-03 12:00:00 GMT"
 DT[P(dts, '19700102 00:00:00/19700103 12:00:00'), min(dts)]
##[1] "1970-01-02 00:00:00 GMT"
于 2013-04-05T12:07:29.010 回答


hour(as.POSIXlt(DT$dts, "GMT")) < 12


于 2013-04-11T08:04:23.720 回答


set.seed(1); N = 1e5;
# I tweaked the following line to make this reproducible in other timezones.
DT = data.table(dts = .POSIXct(1e5*rnorm(N), tz="GMT"))
setkey(DT, dts)  # must sort on time first so that the `xts` object we're about 
                 # to create has the same order
DT[, XTS:=xts(rep(NA, .N), dts)]  # add a dummy xts object as a column
DT[XTS["T00:00:00/T11:59:59.999999", which=TRUE]][, list(dts)] 
    1: 1969-12-27 00:28:41
    2: 1969-12-27 00:34:00
    3: 1969-12-27 03:11:21
    4: 1969-12-27 04:20:27
    5: 1969-12-28 00:00:21
49825: 1970-01-05 08:05:22
49826: 1970-01-05 09:35:32
49827: 1970-01-05 09:49:49
49828: 1970-01-05 09:50:27
49829: 1970-01-05 11:07:32

上面使用xts-style 子集字符串来获取每天时间在 00:00:00 和 12:00:00 之间的行。Usingwhich=TRUE返回行号而不是该行的数据,以便我们可以data.table按这些行子集。

您可以使用“1970-01-01”之类的字符串来获取当天的所有数据,或者使用“1970-01”来获取 1970 年 1 月的所有数据,或者使用“1970-01-01/1970-01-02”来获取所有数据从那两天获取所有行。

于 2013-04-07T18:48:43.183 回答


我会按一ITime列键,然后使用二进制搜索在下午 12 点之前对这些时间进行子集化

中午 12 点前还有60*60 *12 - 1几秒钟,所以seq_len(43199)会在晚上 12 点之前(但不包括)返回所有内容

# create IDate and ITime columns and key by time
setkey(DT[, c('Date','Time') := IDateTime(dts)],Time)

# subset times before 12pm
于 2013-04-16T02:27:41.147 回答