我真的对 MRI 图像上的绘制覆盖感到困惑,这意味着它的部分是否类似于结构报告(SR)处理

我正在尝试以造影剂的方式读取 MRI 文件。也经过谷歌这么多搜索终于得到一些信息,如

   "The data is extracted by injecting a contrast agent into a patient’s vein,then taking sequential snapshots of a volume of interest as the contrast agent diffuses through that area"


  1. Give me specific link for these topic

  2. How to read the Contrast Agent value from MRI Dicom File.

  3. Also how to show a shaded region where the Cancer is detected or
     some kind of marker on that location where the pixel intensity of 
     dicom file is higher.

1 回答 1


嗯,MRI扫描只是一堆灰度图像,就像CT一样,除了强度单位当然不同。因此,只需将其作为任何其他 dicom 图像读取,并查看像素值的强度,或执行分割。癌症肿瘤区域和其他特征存储在一个单独的 dicom 对象中,称为 RT 结构集(通常由放射治疗计划系统或某些轮廓软件生成)。

于 2013-04-05T09:34:23.330 回答