I have a class setup in the following manner:
public abstract FooClass {
public FooClass() {
// init stuff;
public void RandomMethod() {
// do stuff;
public abstract WhatIWantToShim();
What I want to do is set the WhatIWantToShim on the ShimFooClass like so:
ShimFooClass.AllInstances.WhatIWantToShim = () => Boo();
I can set RandomMethod just fine,
ShimFooClass.AllInstances.RandomMethod = () => CalculatePi();
However, it appears that the generated ShimFooClass does not create the WhatIWantToShim property on the AllInstances property of the ShimFooClass.
I've looked at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh549176.aspx#bkmk_shim_basics but I don't see anything there about abstract methods. The only thing I see referenced that is not supported is finalizers. Anybody know what is going on here and if this scenario is supported?