I am running ruby unit tests against Chrome using watir-webdriver. Whenever a test is run and chromedriver.exe is launched output similar to below appears:
Started ChromeDriver
[5468:8796:0404/150755:ERROR:accelerated_surface_win.cc(208)] Reseting D3D device
[5468:8996:0404/150758:ERROR:textfield.h(156)] NOT IMPLEMENTED
[WARNING:..\..\..\..\flash\platform\pepper\pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED
None of this impacts the correct functioning of the tests, but as one might imagine the appearance of "ERROR" and "WARNING" might be rather confusing to, for example, parsing rules in Jenkins looking for failures. Sure I can get really fancy with regular expression in the parsing rules, but it would be really nice to turn off this verbose and unnecessary logging on the part of chromedriver.exe. I have seen many mentions of this searching for an answer. No one has come up with a solution. Yes, chromedriver possibly has a "--silent" option, but there seems to be no way to pass that to the executable. Code similar to below is supposed to work, but has zero effect as far as I can see. Any ideas?
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Profile.new
profile['--cant-make-any-switches-work-here-how-about-you'] = true
browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome, :profile => profile, :switches => %w[--ignore-certificate-errors --disable-extensions --disable-popup-blocking --disable-translate--allow-file-access]