Xcode 提供了几个关键代码来打开查找 (CMD-F)查找和替换 (CMD-OPT-F)编辑器工具栏,但是如何在无需将鼠标移到放大镜上并单击的情况下显示查找选项(这需要永远,我点击错误,然后必须选择菜单项 - 呃)?


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I have not found a single key to do this, but just discovered that after using CMD-F or CMD-OPT-F that the Find search field has focus, and by tapping the down arrow key twice followed by a Return key, that it opened (do again to close)!

I added a key code sequence to Butler so I can use a single key to do this, so use your favorite Macro program to do likewise.

EDIT: Just discovered this still works in Xcode 7, you just need to do 2 down-arrows followed by a return.

于 2013-04-04T21:55:12.180 回答