I recently purchased an iMac and installed Springsource Tool Suite. I am currently trying to import a project. If I import the project as 'an existing Java project', all the files import but I have build path errors and a couple of other errors that I have not been able to resolve. I also tried creating a new java project and importing the file system of the project I want to import, saying no to all when prompted with the Overwrite '.classpath' message. The result of this is nothing gets imported. I tried saying 'yes to all' and the result is the same. I am relatively new to java. Any assistance would greatly be appreciated.


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对于大多数 spring 项目,您应该将它们作为 maven 项目导入。

文件 -> 导入 -> Maven -> 现有的 Maven 项目

于 2013-04-04T22:21:35.430 回答