I'm trying to convert an accdb file from use in Access 2010 to Access 2007. I first tried opening the file with Access 2007 and I get the error Unrecognized database format. I was able to get my backend to open in 2007 by removing the MSysResources table (which uses the new attachment datatype) but the same technique has not worked with my front end.

My front end does use a webbrowser control (which Microsoft claims won't work but also won't stop the file form being opened). I thought I'd better import one form at a time to see where the error is. While in a new, blank 2007 file I tried to use External Data>Access to import one form (a very simple form, a button, two text boxes). Same error as opening the whole file. I tried having 2010 open at the same time as 2007 and copy/pasting the form over. Same error. Unrecognized database format.

I then try to export the form using Application.SaveAsText in 2010 and import using Application.LoadFromText in 2007. There were errors importing but at least this method generates an error log. The error.txt file has issue with the header line PublishOption =1. After I remove that I continually get errors regarding theme settings. I remove every line it has a problem with which are from there on all theme related (HoverForeThemeColorIndex, AlternateBackThemeColorIndex...). I never did get rid of enough of these to successfully import the form though.

Where am I going wrong? If, like I suspect, I cannot use a theme generated in 2010 in 2007, how can I remove all these references from all my forms? Is this actually the problem? How can I more smoothly move back to a 2007 file?

Edit: It turns out the client is on Office 2007 SP2. I'm going to update my development machine and try all this again. I was not using nay service packs originally.


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Access 2010 和 Access 2007 之间的向后兼容性

Access 2010 数据库可以通过以下方式恢复为“Access 2007 格式”

  1. 从数据库中删除所有 Access_2010 特定的功能(详细信息在文章中),
  2. 创建一个新的“空白数据库”(不是“空白 Web 数据库”),以及
  3. 在 Access 2010 中使用External Data > Import将所有对象(表、表单等)从以前的数据库导入到新的(空的)数据库中。

必须删除的功能列表包括一些对于原始 Access 2010 数据库的随意检查可能不会立即显而易见的功能,例如

  • 使用新的或更新的数据库排序顺序,以及
  • 使用“Access 2010 加密合规性”。
于 2014-06-17T20:44:51.087 回答