So basically I have a gallery script in jQuery. When a user clicks on a thumbnail image the image attribute src is then transferred to the main gallery img element. However I now want the user to be able to click a next/prev button and iterate through all the images in the folder. I named them all img0.jpg, img1.jpg and so on. I was thinking I could simply get the current img src via "attr()" and "slice()" then increment the number in the img'0', img'1' etc... with a variable. Heres my code. I hope you guys can understand!
$("#next").click(function () {
var i = 0;
var sliceImg = $("#gallerycover").attr("src").slice('0', String.length - 5);
$("#gallerycover").attr("src", sliceImg + i++ +."jpg");
<div id="gallerycontainer">
<img id="gallery" src="" />
<div id="thumbcontainer">
<div id="box4"><img class="thumb" src="" /></div>