

function Button(parent) {
    var self = this;
    this.enabled = true;
    this.visible = true;

    this.initialized = false;

    f_createButton(parent, self);

    this.initialized = true;

Button.prototype = {
    get initialized () { 
        return this._initialized; 
    set initialized(bool){ 
        this._initialized = bool
        if(this.initialized === true) {
            ... do default stuff
    get enabled(){
        return this._enabled;
    set enabled(bool){
        this._enabled = bool;
        if(document.getElementById(this.id)) { // is button defined?
            var mClassName = document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className;
            document.getElementById(this.id).className = (this.enabled === false) ? "button button-Gray_disabled" : "button button-" + this.defaultStyle;
            document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className = (this.enabled === false) ?  mClassName + "_disabled" : mClassName.replace("_disabled","");

function f_createButton("", obj) {
    .... create DOM element 

在 html 中包含 button.js 并扩展按钮“类/对象”:

Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype,"buttonStyle", {
    get : function() {
        return this._buttonStyle;
    set : function(str) {
        this._buttonStyle = str;
        if(this.id !== "undefined" && document.getElementById(this.id)) { // is button defined?
            document.getElementById(this.id).style.backgroundImage = 'url(Images/'+this.buttonStyle+'/buttons.png)';

这几乎可以工作,但它会杀死初始化的原始 Button。

Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype,"initialized", {
    set : function( bool ) {
        this._initialized = bool;
        if(this.initialized === true) {
            this.buttonStyle = "NONE";



1 回答 1


你问的似乎不寻常,但让我们试试。首先,考虑这个基类,它将在您的外部 js 文件中:

// Constructor
function Button() {
    var self = this;
    var _initialized = false; // 'private' property manipulated by the accessors

    this.initialized = false;
    this.initialized = true;

// Default prototype
Button.prototype = { 
    createButton: function() {
        console.log(' create DOM element ');  

// Default getter/setter on prototype
Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype,"initialized", {
    set : function( bool ) {
        console.log('this is the original setter');
        this._initialized = bool;
        if(this._initialized === true) {
            console.log('do default stuff')

    get : function() {
        return this._initialized; 

    configurable : true // IMPORTANT: this will allow us to redefine it


// Keep reference to the old accessors
var original = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Button.prototype, 'initialized');
Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype, "oldInitialized", {
    set : original.set,
    get : original.get

// Redefine getter and setter
Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype, "initialized", {
    set : function( bool ) {
        console.log('this is the new setter');
        this.oldInitialized = bool;

    get : function() {
        return this._initialized; 

这是工作中的代码:http: //jsfiddle.net/aTYh3/

于 2013-04-05T17:30:07.620 回答