我的问题是,当用户重新打开相同的模式弹出窗口时,我需要填写相同的复选框。我在这里找到了一个 stackoverflow 问题。
// id of the button so I can use the name to open unique popups
// and create unique variable names
var roleId = '';
// The main Array to store all my button/checkbox lists Arrays into
var storedArray = [];
// The Array that stores the currently selected checkbox items.
var selectedArray = [];
// The function that is on all the buttons that bring up the checkbox modals
// Saves a unique ID to be used to open up the appropriate popup
roleId = $(this).attr('tag');
// Here I try to create a Variable for a unique Array
// Selects the appropriate Modal popup
return false;
// Later the function that saves the checkbox items that are selected:
$('input:checked').each(function() {
// Where I try to store the checkbox data into the
// storedArray which is inside the slected Array
console.log('2 storedArray = '+storedArray);