您可以使用此问题的答案轻松制作一些东西(这里我使用了@timriffle 的答案以及我的答案)。
wp <- structure(list(M.1990 = c(325814, 295272, 269351, 265163, 249651, 220027, 196523, 178295, 141789, 115097, 106579, 91763, 77150, 56845, 38053, 25716, 19442), M.2000 = c(319675, 317296, 317072, 290827, 262992, 256378, 241401, 212924, 188905, 169133, 131813, 103162, 90921, 72231, 53449, 32707, 25868), M.2010 = c(328759, 315119, 311456, 312831, 311077, 284258, 255596, 248575, 232217, 202633, 176241, 153494, 114194, 83129, 65266, 43761, 39223), F.1990 = c(308121, 281322, 257432, 254065, 238856, 211943, 188433, 170937, 138358, 112931, 106510, 93425, 82667, 67057, 47679, 37435, 36724), F.2000 = c(298455, 297012, 299757, 277706, 252924, 248127, 233583, 207518, 183646, 165444, 132307, 105429, 96681, 80227, 64956, 45832, 46413), F.2010 = c(307079, 293664, 290598, 293313, 295739, 273379, 247383, 241938, 226914, 201142, 176440, 156283, 121200, 92071, 77990, 56895, 66029)), .Names = c("M.1990", "M.2000", "M.2010", "F.1990", "F.2000", "F.2010"), row.names = c("0-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-44", "45-49", "50-54", "55-59", "60-64", "65-69", "70-74", "75-79", "80+"), class = "data.frame")
M.1990 M.2000 M.2010 F.1990 F.2000 F.2010
0-4 325814 319675 328759 308121 298455 307079
5-9 295272 317296 315119 281322 297012 293664
10-14 269351 317072 311456 257432 299757 290598
15-19 265163 290827 312831 254065 277706 293313
20-24 249651 262992 311077 238856 252924 295739
25-29 220027 256378 284258 211943 248127 273379
30-34 196523 241401 255596 188433 233583 247383
35-39 178295 212924 248575 170937 207518 241938
40-44 141789 188905 232217 138358 183646 226914
45-49 115097 169133 202633 112931 165444 201142
50-54 106579 131813 176241 106510 132307 176440
55-59 91763 103162 153494 93425 105429 156283
60-64 77150 90921 114194 82667 96681 121200
65-69 56845 72231 83129 67057 80227 92071
70-74 38053 53449 65266 47679 64956 77990
75-79 25716 32707 43761 37435 45832 56895
80+ 19442 25868 39223 36724 46413 66029
xrange <- range(c(0,wp))
yrange <- range(c(0,nrow(wp)))
plot(NA,type="n", main="Men", xlab="", ylab="", xaxs="i",
xlim=rev(xrange), ylim=yrange, axes=FALSE, yaxs="i")
rect(xrange[1],yrange[1],xrange[2],yrange[2], col="cadetblue")
abline(v=seq(0,xrange[2],by=1e5), col="white")
# All years with bars you want to represent filled
# should be entered in reverse order
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$M.2000,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$M.1990,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),
# And those you want with just a border, afterwards:
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$M.2010,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),
axis(1, at=c(0,1e5,2e5,3e5), labels=format(c(0,1e5,2e5,3e5),scientific=FALSE))
axis(2, at=1:nrow(wp)-0.5,labels=row.names(wp),las=2)
plot(NA,type="n", main="Women", xlab="", ylab="", xaxs="i",
xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, axes=FALSE, yaxs="i")
rect(xrange[1],yrange[1],xrange[2],yrange[2], col="cadetblue")
abline(v=seq(0,xrange[2],by=1e5), col="white")
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$F.2000,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$F.1990,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$F.2010,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),
axis(1, at=c(0,1e5,2e5,3e5), labels=format(c(0,1e5,2e5,3e5),scientific=FALSE))
axis(4, at=1:nrow(wp)-0.5,labels=row.names(wp),las=2)

为了规避@Spacedman 在他的评论中强调的问题,您可以在某些年份使用 alpha。
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$M.1990,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),
polygon(c(0,rep(wp$F.1990,each=2), 0), c(0,0,rep(1:nrow(wp),each=2)),