这似乎是一个愚蠢的问题,但我是 Python(和编程)的血腥新手。我正在运行一个物理模拟,其中涉及我存储在一个数组中的许多(~10 000)2x2 矩阵。我在下面的代码中称这些矩阵 M 和数组 T 。然后我只想计算所有这些矩阵的乘积。这就是我想出的,但它看起来很难看,而且对于 10000+ 2x2 矩阵来说工作量很大。有没有更简单的方法或我可以使用的内置功能?

import numpy as np
#build matrix M (dont read it, just an example, doesnt matter here)    
def M(k1 , k2 , x):
    a = (k1 + k2) * np.exp(1j * (k2-k1) * x)
    b = (k1 - k2) * np.exp(-1j * (k1 + k2) * x)
    c = (k1 - k2) * np.exp(1j * (k2 + k1) * x)
    d = (k1 + k2) * np.exp(-1j * (k2 - k1) * x)
    M = np.array([[a , b] , [c , d]])
    M *= 1. / (2. * k1)
    return M

#array of test matrices T
T = np.array([M(1,2,3), M(3,3,3), M(54,3,9), M(33,11,42) ,M(12,9,5)])
#compute the matrix product of T[0] * T[1] *... * T[4]
#I originally had this line of code, which is wrong, as pointed out in the comments
#np.dot(T[0],np.dot(T[1], np.dot(T[2], np.dot(T[2],np.dot(T[3],T[4])))))
#it should be:
np.dot(T[0], np.dot(T[1], np.dot(T[2],np.dot(T[3],T[4]))))

1 回答 1


不是非常 NumPythonic,但你可以这样做:

reduce(lambda x,y: np.dot(x,y), T, np.eye(2))


reduce(np.dot, T, np.eye(2))
于 2013-04-04T15:37:44.750 回答