I'm encountering a strange issue. I have a facebook button at the bottom of a page. When clicked, the facebook "Comment/share" box pops up.

The behaviour is correct under FF and IE, but not in Chrome, where the box is cut by the bottom of the page. In other words, the page isn't resized as it is under FF and IE.
The page has a min-height and max-height, and the containers have an overflow:visible attribute as the facebook docs advises to avoid some display issues of the share iframe. The curious thing is that the bug disappears by simply opening the developer tools, and checking/unchecking any CSS attributes of any parent element of the FB-button.

My guess is that the resize of the window isn't captured by Chrome when the button is clicked, but it is when using the developer tools. I tried to explore other sources of the problem (max-height not working properly or a higher element having a overflow:hidden) but I found nothing conclusive.

Thank you for help.


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如果您在 Chrome 中运行主题,您可能会遇到问题。如果是,请尝试重置为默认主题:

options > personal stuff > themes > reset to default theme

此外,请确保您没有被缩小或缩小。Chrome 的缩放变得有点时髦。

假设这些不是问题,请尝试将共享代码放在具有唯一 ID 或类的 div 中:

 <div id="myFacebookContainer">Plugin HTML Here</div>

您的 CSS 将包含以下内容:

#myFacebookContainer span{
#myFacebookContainer iframe{


于 2013-04-04T14:41:46.960 回答