I am a newbie to crystal reports, I have a crystal report for which I have a data source from which I am using some fields on to the report.
Crsytal Report Name : InventoryReport
Data Source : I am giving Stored Procedure -- GetInventoryData
Fields : ItemID, ShippedDate, ItemName
I have to get all items which are shipped in between FromData and ToDate of ShippedDate, so I am using formula {GetInventoryData;1.ShippedDate} in {?FromDate} to {?ToDate}
dataType of Shipped Date is String and I have to convert to Date as it needs to be compared but I am having issues in that...
ShippedDate value will be : 2011-04-19 16:02:14.0000000
I have to convert at crystal reports side only..
Please help me how can I cast it to date