I'm working on a Shopify site and would like product prices to be viewed in different currencies alongside each other e.g.

£123 | $456 | €789

I've read a few methods on Shopify e.g. 'How to Show Multiple Currencies' but you have to select which currency you want and the all the prices change accordingly. However, I need all currencies to be in view together - GBP, USD, EUR.

Is there a way I can set it up so that when I enter the base price in GBP, the USD and EUR prices will be automatically calculated and displayed on the web page? Ideally, the client would like to update the currency exchange rates in the back-end.

Please help if you can.


1 回答 1


如果您研究 Shopify 提供货币显示的方式,您会发现它只不过是一点 Javascript,连接到货币兑换机制。

做你想做的事,只需稍微修改一下 Javascript。做到这一点并不难。整个模式已经用一种货币为您布置好了,因此添加其他货币很容易。

于 2013-04-04T16:09:07.647 回答