I am using the Qt libraries in a C++ project but I have a design question: where should a database be declared? I would prefer not to declare global variables.
Currently I am dealing with this problem in this way. I have a mainwindow and I have declared the DB in there so I perform the queries in the main window and pass the results to the dialogs using different signals and slots.
I start the DB when the main window starts and close it when the window has been closed. I don't know if this is ok Now I need the DB connection in another class as well so I can pass a reference to the DB or make the DB global
I don't like these solutions.. is there a standard pattern to deal with this situation?
My class now looks like:
class Database
bool open(void);
bool close(void);
static Database* getDatabase(void);
// various methods like loadThisTable(), saveThisTable() etc
Database(); // disable constructor
~Database(); // disable destructor
Database(const Database&); // disable copy constructor
Database& operator=(const Database&); // disable assignment
static Database* instance_; // database instance
QSqlDatabase qtDB; // qt db database
If I want I can add the add and remove methods but I have a single DB instance.