该代码应该适用于 Comparable 数据 - 整数和字符串(虽然没有混合)。我可以接近完成每一项工作,但没有一个代码可以代表所有人。请帮我解决这个问题,因此代码适用于字符串或整数。
我只能更改 add()、remove() 和 OrderedListNode 类
更新感谢 parkydr,我能够解决我的一些问题,但是,我仍然收到一个空点错误。我正在测试int和Strings。如果 String 循环在 while 部分中有一个“<”,则元素以相反的顺序返回。不过,对于整数来说,我将是一个错误。如果我有 >=,就像 parkydr 说的那样,那么我会以正确的顺序取回整数,但字符串会出现空指针错误。我如何让两者一起工作?
Update2整数需要按顺序排列,就像 AmitG 的代码一样。
package dataStructures;
* Class OrderedLinkedList.
* This class functions as a linked list, but ensures items are stored in ascending
public class OrderedLinkedList
* Constants
/** return value for unsuccessful searches */
private static final OrderedListNode NOT_FOUND = null;
* Attributes
/** current number of items in list */
private int theSize;
/** reference to list header node */
private OrderedListNode head;
/** reference to list tail node */
private OrderedListNode tail;
/** current number of modifications to list */
private int modCount;
* Constructors
* Create an instance of OrderedLinkedList.
public OrderedLinkedList()
// empty this OrderedLinkedList
* Methods
* Add the specified item to this OrderedLinkedList.
* @param obj the item to be added
public boolean add(Comparable obj){
OrderedListNode node = new OrderedListNode(obj);
OrderedListNode head2 = new OrderedListNode(obj);
OrderedListNode tail2 = new OrderedListNode(obj);
if (head2 == null)
head2 = node;
tail2 = node;
return true;
// When the element to be added is less than the first element in the list
if (obj.compareTo(head2.theItem) < 0)
node.next = head2;
head2 = node;
return true;
// When the element to be added is greater than every element in in list
// and has to be added at end of the list
if (obj.compareTo(tail2.theItem) > 0)
tail2.next = node;
tail2 = node;
return true;
//When the element to be added lies between other elements in the list
if (obj.compareTo(head2.theItem) >= 0 && obj.compareTo(tail2.theItem) <= 0)
OrderedListNode current = head.next;
OrderedListNode previous = head;
while (obj.compareTo(current.theItem) >= 0)
previous = current;
current = current.next;
previous.next = node;
node.next = current;
return true;
* Remove the first occurrence of the specified item from this
* @param obj the item to be removed
public boolean remove(Comparable obj)
OrderedListNode curr = head;
OrderedListNode prev = head;
while(curr != null && ! (curr.theItem.compareTo(obj) == 0)){
prev = curr;
curr = curr.next;
if(curr == null)
return false;
prev.next = curr.next;
curr = null;
return true;
* Empty this OrderedLinkedList.
public void clear()
// reset header node
head = new OrderedListNode("HEAD", null, null);
// reset tail node
tail = new OrderedListNode("TAIL", head, null);
// header references tail in an empty LinkedList
head.next = tail;
// reset size to 0
theSize = 0;
// emptying list counts as a modification
* Return true if this OrderedLinkedList contains 0 items.
public boolean isEmpty()
return theSize == 0;
* Return the number of items in this OrderedLinkedList.
public int size()
return theSize;
* Return a String representation of this OrderedLinkedList.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
OrderedListNode currentNode = head.next;
while (currentNode != tail)
s += currentNode.theItem.toString();
if (currentNode.next != tail)
s += ", ";
currentNode = currentNode.next;
return s;
* Inner Classes
* Nested class OrderedListNode.
* Encapsulates the fundamental building block of an OrderedLinkedList
* contains a data item, and references to both the next and previous nodes
* in the list
// TODO: Implement the nested class OrderedListNode (5 points). This nested class
// should be similar to the nested class ListNode of the class LinkedList, but
// should store a data item of type Comparable rather than Object.
public static class OrderedListNode {
Comparable theItem;
OrderedListNode next;
OrderedListNode prev;
OrderedListNode( Comparable theItem ) { this( theItem, null, null ); }
OrderedListNode( Comparable theItem, OrderedListNode prev, OrderedListNode next)
this.theItem = theItem;
this.next = next;
this.prev = prev;
Comparable getData() { return theItem; }
OrderedListNode getNext() { return next; }
OrderedListNode getPrev() { return prev; }
// Remove - for testing only
public static void main (String[] args)
OrderedLinkedList list = new OrderedLinkedList();
上面的代码在大多数情况下都适用于整数,除了项目按词法存储为字符串。所以我需要帮助解决这个问题。我还需要使此代码也可以与字符串一起使用。现在下面的代码适用于字符串但不适用于整数,它也以相反的顺序存储,因为 <= 在 while 语句中发生了变化。帮助!
while (obj.compareTo(current.theItem) <= 0)