我正在尝试编写一种类型来表示 GPU 设备中的指针,它应该像一个数组一样,具有用于获取和设置的索引属性。如果元素类型是原始类型,我没有问题,但是当我使用结构时,我无法更改其成员的值。
#nowarn "9"
open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type MyStruct =
val mutable x : int
val mutable y : int
val mutable z : int
override this.ToString() = sprintf "(%d,%d,%d)" this.x this.y this.z
let deviceOnly() = failwith "this function should be used in quotation only"
type DevicePtr<'T>(h:nativeint) =
member this.Handle = h
member this.Item with get (idx:int) : 'T = deviceOnly() and set (idx:int) (value:'T) : unit = deviceOnly()
member this.Reinterpret<'T2>() = DevicePtr<'T2>(h)
member this.Volatile() = DevicePtr<'T>(h)
static member (+) (ptr:DevicePtr<'T>, offset:int) = DevicePtr<'T>(ptr.Handle + nativeint(offset * sizeof<'T>))
let test() =
let mutable test1 = MyStruct()
test1.x <- 1
let foo (collection:MyStruct[]) =
collection.[0].x <- 1
let bar (collection:DevicePtr<MyStruct>) =
collection.[0].x <- 1
//error FS0257:
// Invalid mutation of a constant expression.
// Consider copying the expression to a mutable local, e.g. 'let mutable x = ...'.
因此,类型是 DevicePtr<'T>,并且它具有使用 get 和 set 方法索引的属性 Item。但是get方法只返回一个值'T,所以我不能改变它。但是系统阵列有效。
有人有这样的经验吗?创建一个像数组一样的类型?我希望索引属性的 get 函数返回一个可变的 ref 而不是一个值。