
我编写并运行了代码,以使用 CLI 进行提示。但是,我完全不知道如何使用文本文件更改代码。有人可以向我解释一下吗?


import java.util.*;

public class parallelArrays {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
       String[] names;
       int[] exam1Grades;
       int[] exam2Grades;
       int n, sum1, sum2;
       double avg1,avg2;

       Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);

       // Get the number of students from the user
       System.out.print("Enter # of students:");
       n = kb.nextInt();

       // Allocate the arrays
       names = new String[n];
       exam1Grades = new int[n];
       exam2Grades = new int[n];

       // Input the names and grades
       for (int i=0; i<=names.length-1; i++) {
          System.out.print("Enter name for student #" + (i+1) + ":");
          names[i] = kb.next();
          System.out.print("Enter exam #1 grade:");
          exam1Grades[i] = kb.nextInt();
          System.out.print("Enter exam #2 grade:");
          exam2Grades[i] = kb.nextInt();

       // Add up all the grades (could have been done in the above loop)
       sum1 = 0;
       sum2 = 0;
       for (int i=0; i<=names.length-1; i++) {
          sum1 = sum1 + exam1Grades[i];
          sum2 = sum2 + exam2Grades[i];

       // Calculate and output the averages
       avg1 = sum1/n;
       System.out.println("Exam #1 average: " + avg1);

       avg2 = sum2/n;
       System.out.println("Exam #2 average: " + avg2);

       // Compare each grade to the average
       for (int i=0; i<=names.length-1; i++) {
       if (exam1Grades[i] > avg1)
           System.out.println("Student " + names[i] + " is above average on exam 1");
           else if (exam1Grades[i] < avg1)
           System.out.println("Student " + names[i] + " is below average on exam 1");
           System.out.println("Student " + names[i] + " is average on exam 1");

       if (exam2Grades[i] > avg2)
           System.out.println("Student " + names[i] + " is above average on exam 2");
           else if (exam2Grades[i] < avg2)
           System.out.println("Student " + names[i] + " is below average on exam 2");
           System.out.println("Student " + names[i] + " is average on exam 2");


4 回答 4


就像@Shobit 之前所说的,将 BufferedWriter 与 FileWriter 结合使用,并使用 write() 和 newLine() 方法,您可以将所需的行插入文件而不是使用 Println。

BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("path-of-file")); //you don't need to create a File object, FileWriter takes a string for the filepath as well
writer.write("Student number..."); 
writer.writeLine(); //for a new line in the file


于 2013-04-05T06:38:37.373 回答

您可以使用 BufferedReader 和 BufferedWriter 在 Java 中读取/写入文件。BufferedReader 构造函数接受一个 FileReader 对象,其构造函数接受一个 File 对象。它看起来像这样:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("path-of-file")));

readLine()然后,您可以使用 BufferedReader (或任何其他方法,具体取决于您的用例)从文件中逐行读取。

以此类推,还有 BufferedWriter 和 FileWriter 以及write()用于写入的方法。



于 2013-04-04T04:16:42.607 回答

您可以像使用 Scanner 类读取文件名一样使用它。您所要做的就是定义您将如何构建您的文件。例如,用特殊字符分隔您的信息,即:“,”,并将其用作标记来识别文件中的不同字段的名称、等级等(请参阅PatternScanner APIs 以使用 REGEX)

您可能想要创建一个 Student 类并将所需的字段映射到该类,将它们添加到 List 并更容易地迭代。

至于写入文本文件,你已经在做,检查 FileWriter 看看如何添加一个新行,就是这样。祝你好运!

于 2013-04-04T02:43:16.350 回答
    import java.nio.file.path;
    import java.nio.file.paths;
    class FileCopy {
    public static void main(String args[])
    Path sour =Paths.get("Source path");
    Path dest =Paths.get("destination path"); // The new file name should be given  

    or else FileAlreadyExistsException occurs.                                            

    Files.copy(sour, dest);
于 2014-08-18T12:56:53.787 回答