这是小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/inconduit/PkT8x/145/
App.color1 = Ember.Object.create({ color : "red"});
// a contrived object that holds an array of color objects
App.colorsHolder = Ember.Object.create({
colors : Ember.A([App.color1]),
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
colorsHolder : App.colorsHolder,
// this should fire when you click the change button, but it does not
colorsContainBlue : function() {
console.log("fired colorsContainBlue");
this.colorsHolder.colors.forEach(function(colorObj) {
if(colorObj.get('color') == 'blue')
return true;
return false;
// this is a function called by an action in the template
changeToBlue: function() {
console.log("changed the color to: " + App.color1.get('color'));