方法的对象并不是那么有帮助。我尝试查找对当前突出显示的列的引用,但无济于事。但是,我找到了另一种方法,它依赖于图表的 DOM 结构。这意味着如果他们在未来版本中更改图表布局,它可能会中断,但它现在应该可以工作。
<g class="highcharts-series-group">
<g class="highcharts-series">
<rect x="11" y="223" width="5" height="55" />
<rect x="61" y="199" width="5" height="79" />
<rect x="111" y="160" width="5" height="118" />
<rect x="161" y="135" width="5" height="143" />
<rect x="211" y="118" width="5" height="160" />
<rect x="261" y="83" width="5" height="195" />
<!-- More <rect/>'s -->
<g class="highcharts-series">
<rect x="19" y="185" width="5" height="93" />
<rect x="69" y="191" width="5" height="87" />
<rect x="119" y="169" width="5" height="109" />
<rect x="169" y="175" width="5" height="103" />
<rect x="219" y="161" width="5" height="117" />
<rect x="269" y="184" width="5" height="94" />
<!-- More <rect/>'s -->
<!-- More <g class="highcharts-series"/>'s -->
// Loop over each series element and bind a
// 'mouseover' event to it.
$('.highcharts-series rect').on('mouseover', function() {
var self = $(this);
// Determine the offset (equal to the number of 'rect'
// objects before it)
var xIndex = self.prevAll('rect').length;
var groupInfo = [];
// Retrieve the '.highcharts-series-group' node
// NOTE: $(this).parents('.highcharts-series-group')
// does not appear to work (perhaps a limitation with
// jQuery and SVG?)
// Loop over all series nodes within the current chart
// Retrieve the matching entry within each series
// (represented by the nth 'rect' node)
var element = $(this).find('rect:eq(' + xIndex + ')');
if (!element.length) {
// Populate the Group Info element
x: element.attr('x'),
y: element.attr('y'),
width: element.attr('width'),
height: element.attr('height')
// Do what you want with the groupInfo object and xIndex here:
console.log(xIndex, groupInfo);