我在 Visual Basic 中实现链表快速排序时遇到了一些困难,问题是经典的堆栈溢出。因为它是一种递归算法,所以我认为它是我所缺少的相当简单的东西,但我已经盯着它看了好几个小时,在纸上追踪它——它只能处理三个或更少的项目,有时是四个。任何帮助将非常感激。


  1. 从列表中选择一个元素,称为枢轴。
  2. 重新排序列表,使所有值小于枢轴的元素都在枢轴之前,而所有值大于枢轴的元素都在它之后(相等的值可以去任何一种方式)。在此分区之后,枢轴处于其最终位置。这称为分区操作。
  3. 递归地将上述步骤应用于具有较小值的元素的子列表和具有较大值的元素的子列表。



Public Class Node
    'Each node contains the values for one value and is stored 
    'in the dynamic linked list.
    Public Name As String
    Public NextNode As Node
    Public PKey As Integer
    Public Sub New()
        'Initializes a new node
        Name = ""
        NextNode = Nothing
        PKey = 0
    End Sub
End Class
Public start As Node
Public Sub New()
    'Initializes a new linked list by setting start as the first node
    start = New Node
End Sub


Public Sub AddABC(ByVal Name As String, ByVal PKey As Integer)
    'Adds items to a dynamic linked list ordered in alphabetical order
    Dim NewNode As New Node
    Dim ptr As Node = start.NextNode
    Dim prev As Node = start
    NewNode.PKey = PKey
    While ptr IsNot Nothing AndAlso ptr.Name < NewNode.Name
        prev = ptr
        ptr = ptr.NextNode
    End While
    NewNode.Name = Name
    NewNode.NextNode = ptr
    prev.NextNode = NewNode
    countABC += 1
End Sub


Public Function SortAlphabetically() As AllColumns
    'This is a quicksort routine that creates a new linked list 
    '(that is not saved) in alphabetical order
    If countABC > 1 Then
        Dim pivotPkey As Integer = Math.Ceiling(countABC / 2)
        Dim pivot As New Node
        Dim ptr As Node = start.NextNode

        While ptr IsNot Nothing
            If ptr.PKey = pivotPkey Then
                pivot = ptr
            End If
            ptr = ptr.NextNode
        End While

        Dim lower As New AllColumns
        Dim higher As New AllColumns

        ptr = start.NextNode

        While ptr IsNot Nothing
            If ptr.Name < pivot.Name Then
                lower.AddABC(ptr.Name, ptr.PKey)
                higher.AddABC(ptr.Name, ptr.PKey)
            End If
            ptr = ptr.NextNode
        End While

        Return (Joinlists(lower.SortAlphabetically, pivot, 

        Return Me
    End If
End Function

Private Function Joinlists(ByVal lower As AllColumns, 
                           ByVal pivot As Node, 
                           ByVal higher As AllColumns) As AllColumns
    'Joins two dynamic linked lists together with a pivot value 
    'separating them
    Dim list As AllColumns = lower
    list.AddABC(pivot.Name, pivot.PKey)

    Dim ptr As Node = higher.start.NextNode

    While ptr IsNot Nothing
        list.AddABC(ptr.Name, ptr.PKey)
        ptr = ptr.NextNode
    End While
    Return list

End Function




Public Class AllColumns
Public countABC As Integer = 0
Public Class Node
    'Each node contains the values for one value and is stored in the dynamic linked list.
    Public Name As String
    Public NextNode As Node
    Public PKey As Integer
    Public Sub New()
        'Initialises a new node
        Name = ""
        NextNode = Nothing
        PKey = 0
    End Sub
End Class

Public start As Node

Public Sub New()
    'Initialises a new linked list by setting start as the first node
    start = New Node
    countABC = 0
End Sub

是不是越来越低被声明为“New Allcolumns”,它们将有自己的 countABC 值,当节点放入列表时会增加?


 ptr = start.NextNode

    While ptr IsNot Nothing
        If ptr.Name < pivot.Name Then
            lower.AddABC(ptr.Name, ptr.PKey)
            higher.AddABC(ptr.Name, ptr.PKey)
        End If
        ptr = ptr.NextNode
    End While

    Return (Joinlists(lower.SortAlphabetically, pivot, 



1 回答 1

Public Function SortAlphabetically() As AllColumns
    'This is a quicksort routine that creates a new linked list 
    '(that is not saved) in alphabetical order
    If countABC > 1 Then
        Return (Joinlists(lower.SortAlphabetically, pivot, 




于 2013-04-04T01:19:44.007 回答