我正在寻找示例“源代码”来执行此操作,因此我可以创建一个按钮以自动将所有表导出到具有相同名称但扩展名为 .xls 的电子表格。我已经知道如何手动导出表格。


1 回答 1



Dim lTbl As Long
Dim strFile As String
Dim d As Database

 'Set current database to a variable adn create a new Excel instance
Set d = CurrentDb

strFile = "c:\FolderName\FileName.xls" '## Change to file you want

'Loop through all tables
For lTbl = 0 To d.TableDefs.Count
     'If the table name is a temporary or system table then ignore it
    If Left(d.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 1) = "~" Or _
        Left(d.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 4) = "MSYS" Then
         '~ indicates a temporary table
         'MSYS indicates a system level table
        DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, d.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, strFile
    End If
Next lTbl

 'Release database object from memory
Set d = Nothing


Dim lTbl As Long
Dim strFile As String
Dim d As Database

 'Set current database to a variable adn create a new Excel instance
Set d = CurrentDb
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

strFilePath = "c:\Database\" '## Cahnge to where you want to save"

'Loop through all tables
For lTbl = 0 To d.TableDefs.Count
     'If the table name is a temporary or system table then ignore it
    If Left(d.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 1) = "~" Or _
        Left(d.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 4) = "MSYS" Then
         '~ indicates a temporary table
         'MSYS indicates a system level table
        Set wbExcel = xlApp.workbooks.Add
        strFile = d.TableDefs(lTbl).Name & ".xls"
        wbExcel.SaveAs FileName:=strFilePath & strFile, FileFormat:=56
        DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, d.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, strFilePath & strFile
        Set wbExcel = Nothing
    End If
Next lTbl

Set wbExcel = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing

 'Release database object from memory
Set d = Nothing
于 2013-04-10T06:07:22.327 回答