I'm trying to use the string separator method to remove paragraph symbols from a text file.

I've done several google searches but haven't gotten this to work. I've tried "\xB6", "\x U+2029", and several derivatives but to no success.

Here is the line I've been using:

string[] separators = { ",", ".", "!", "?", ";", ":", " ", "-", "#", "  ", "   ", "\r", "\t", "\f", "\xB6" };

I would really appreciate your help. If you'd be kind enough to include a short sample with your answer this would help me tremendously; because, as a beginner I tend to trip up frequently with syntax.

P.S. If you have any good referential links to share regarding C# and text parsing I promise you a large land grant after I've taken over the world by text parsing.


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于 2013-07-04T22:08:16.497 回答