I am having trouble with circle to circle collision resolution.
First, i detect the collision, then if the balls collide, i separate them by the sum of their radii and set the velocities. That's easy.
My problem is when gravity is acting and a ball collides with another ball from above. It's suposed to bouce off but instead it slides very slowly until it drops in the ground.
Whats hapning is that afer the colision resolution, gravity pushes the ball down and causes another colision. I've tried separating the ball by the sum of their radii + x but it just slides a little faster.
You can watch the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk7qQ9KDFp0&feature=youtu.be.
And here's the code that hadles colision:
for p in world.particle_list:
if not p == self:
if self.pos.sub(p.pos).get_length() <= self.radius * ppm + p.radius * ppm:
p_mass_ratio = float(self.mass) / (self.mass + p.mass)
self_mass_ratio = float(p.mass) / (self.mass + p.mass)
rel_pos = p.pos.sub(self.pos)
shift = rel_pos.set_length(- rel_pos.get_length() + self.radius * ppm + p.radius * ppm)
p.pos = p.pos.add(shift.scale(0.50))
self.pos = self.pos.add(shift.scale(-0.50))
p_speed = p.speed
self_speed = self.speed
self.speed = p_speed.add(self.speed.norm_reflect(rel_pos.set_angle(rel_pos.get_angle() + 90).scale(-self.friction))).scale(0.50 * self_mass_ratio)
p.speed = self_speed.add(p.speed.norm_reflect(rel_pos.set_angle(rel_pos.get_angle() + 90).scale(self.friction))).scale(0.50 * p_mass_ratio)
I made a vector class to handle this:
def dcos(x):
return cos(radians(x))
def dsin(x):
return sin(radians(x))
def dtan(x):
return tan(radians(x))
class Vec(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
self.length = self.get_length()
self.angle = self.get_angle()
def get_length(self):
return sqrt(self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2)
def get_angle(self):
return atan2(self.y, self.x) * 180 / pi
def add(self, vec1):
new_x = self.x + vec1.x
new_y = self.y + vec1.y
return Vec(new_x, new_y)
def sub(self, vec1):
new_x = self.x - vec1.x
new_y = self.y - vec1.y
return Vec(new_x, new_y)
def scale(self, k):
return Vec(self.x * k, self.y * k)
def set_angle(self, a):
new_x = self.length * dcos(a)
new_y = self.length * dsin(a)
if a == -90 or a == 90:
new_x = 0
if a == 180 or a == 0 or a == -180:
new_y = 0
return Vec(new_x, new_y)
def set_length(self, l):
new_x = l * dcos(self.angle)
new_y = l * dsin(self.angle)
return Vec(new_x, new_y)
def inverse(self):
return Vec(- self.x, - self.y)
def norm_reflect(self, vec1):
if self.get_angle == vec1.get_angle():
return Vec(self.x, self.y)
if vec1.get_angle() >= 0:
return self.set_angle(vec1.get_angle() - self.get_angle() + 90)
return self.set_angle(vec1.get_angle() - self.get_angle() - 90)