I have simple Event model (title, date, user) And I created Events Calendar by months (gem 'watu_table_builder'). I need the feature to create repeating events. I figured out that I may use gem ice_cube for it. But it is not clear for me.
I added to model:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
#require 'ice_cube'
include IceCube
belongs_to :user
validates :title, :presence => true,
:length => { :minimum => 5 }
validates :shedule, :presence => true
def self.events_and_repeats(date)
@events = Event.where(shedule:date.beginning_of_month..date.end_of_month)
# Here I need to figure out what is events repeats at this month (from date param)
# how I may combine it with Events array
@events_repeats = @events # + repeats
return @events_repeats
1) How I may combine repeat rules with Events array?
2) As I understand, I may save to db information about repeats in yaml yaml = schedule.to_yaml
But it is not clear for me how it is good way to create drop-down for repeats (none, each day, each month, each year) and link it with shedule rules. Where and how I should realize it (convert user choise to right shedule)