我在一台设备上运行了一个简单的 UDP 服务器,当客户端想要连接时,它向服务器发送一条消息“连接”,然后服务器获取地址,并开始向该地址发送数据,现在当另一个客户端想要加入,该客户端发送消息“连接”但有时没有任何反应,就像想要加入消息的客户端永远不会被服务器接收,我将如何解决这个问题?这里也是服务器的代码
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
boolean run = true;
String data = "";
DatagramPacket packet = null;
boolean position = false;
while( run )
if( data.equalsIgnoreCase( "" ) )
//Send some data
if( data.equalsIgnoreCase( "connect" ) && wait == true )
Log.d(TAG, "Someone wants to connect");
//Increase the total players by 1
players = players + 1;
//Notify to the host (client) something has change
//notify client
//Send a message to the client with the ID
byte[] bufer = new byte[256];
//Send a message "connect" to the host
String msg = Integer.toString( players );
int msgLength = msg.length();
bufer = msg.getBytes();
InetAddress address;
//Default ip address of the host
//Take the address from the packet
addresses.add( packet.getAddress() );
Log.d(TAG, "Address is " + addresses.get( addresses.size() - 1 ) );
address = addresses.get( addresses.size() - 1 );
DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket( bufer, bufer.length , address, port );
//Send packet
socket.send( p );
catch (IOException e)
wait = false;
if( wait == true && position == true )
position = false;
wait = false;
for(int i = 0;i < positions.length; i++)
if(positions[i] != null)
//Log.d(TAG, "X and Y position of asset:"+i+", is:"+ positions[i]);
//Needs to try and reteive data...
if( wait == false )
//Log.d(TAG, "Waiting to retreive data");
byte[] buf = new byte[256];
packet = new DatagramPacket( buf, buf.length );
socket.receive( packet );
wait = true;
catch (IOException e)
Log.d(TAG, "Error with receiving data");
data = new String( buf, 0, packet.getLength() );
//Log.d(TAG, "Data received from :" + packet.getAddress() + ", holds this value: " + data);
String[] dataStrings = data.split(":");
if( dataStrings[0].equalsIgnoreCase( "position" ) )
position = true;
//Log.d(TAG, "Data received was :" + data);
Thread.sleep( 25 );
catch (InterruptedException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.d(TAG, "Error with trying to sleep");
Log.d(TAG, "Error with while run value");
return "finished";
public void connectToServer()
//Send a connect message to the server
try {
//Create a socket
socket = new DatagramSocket( port );
byte[] bufer = new byte[256];
//Send a message "connect" to the host
String msg = "connect";
int msgLength = msg.length();
bufer = msg.getBytes();
InetAddress address;
//Default ip address of the host
address = InetAddress.getByName("");
DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket( bufer, bufer.length , address, port );
//Send packet
socket.send( p );
} catch (UnknownHostException e2) {
Log.d(TAG, "Unknown host");
} catch (SocketException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Socket problem");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "I/O problem");
//Receive the message back
byte[] buf = new byte[256];
DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket( buf, buf.length );
//Try to receive a packet from the server
Log.d(TAG, "Waiting for data");
socket.receive( packet );
catch (IOException e)
Log.d(TAG, "Error with receiving data");
//Convert the packet to a string
String data = new String( buf, 0, packet.getLength() );
//Use the string to find out what ID this client is
ID = Integer.parseInt( data );
//Setup the client game
如果出现问题,我是否应该尝试让 connectToServer 方法继续尝试?