I'm trying to do some coded UI tests with Visual Studio 2010 on my SharePoint 2010 site. A particular file in SharePoint launches my Silverlight application in a separate window. I've added the SilerlightUIAutomationHelper assembly as a reference in all my Silverlight projects that run this. This SHOULD allow me to record actions within it, but it pops up with an error message when I try to record inside my Silverlight app:
No Silverlight controls were detected. Verify that the application under test
is built using Silverlight assemblies with a version of 4.0 or greater and that
a reference to the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Extension.SilverlightUIAutomationHelper.dll
assembly has been added to the project.
I'm running Silverlight 5.0, so that can't be the issue. I've also verified that the SilverlightUIAutomationHelper dll has made it into the xap package.
I've been able to successfully record these actions in SharePoint 2013/Visual Studio 2012 with this extension: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/28312a61-9451-451a-990c-c9929b751eb4
Any idea why this is happening? What can I do to fix it?