I have a pretty simple SQL I need to perform.

I have a ProcessUser, Role and a ProcessUserRole table. A straight forward many-to-many

I want to select all ProcessUser's that does also have a Role of admin.

However my JPQL fails because my user also has role officer, so it is retrieved in the list.

Here is the JPQL:

entityManager.createQuery("SELECT p FROM " + ProcessUser.class.getName() 
  + " p join p.roles role WHERE role.name NOT IN ('sysadmin')").getResultList();

The generated SQL is:

        distinct processuse0_.id as id8_,
        processuse0_.position as position8_,
        processuse0_.username as username8_,
        processuse0_.organization_id as organiza9_8_,
        processuse0_.passwordHash as password4_8_,
        processuse0_.fromEmail as fromEmail8_,
        processuse0_.firstname as firstname8_,
        processuse0_.lastname as lastname8_,
        processuse0_.processes as processes8_
        ProcessUser processuse0_ 
    inner join
        ProcessUserRoles roles1_ 
            on processuse0_.id=roles1_.userId 
    inner join
        Role role2_ 
            on roles1_.roleId=role2_.id 
            role2_.name not in  (

5 回答 5


Proper JPQL syntax using subquery:

SELECT p FROM ProcessUser p
 WHERE p.id  NOT IN (
  SELECT p2.id FROM ProcessUser p2
    JOIN p2.roles role
   WHERE role.name='sysadmin'
于 2009-10-16T16:05:37.080 回答

Will this work for you?

FROM ProcessUser
WHERE Exists
    SELECT 1
        INNER JOIN Roles
            ON Roles.RoleId = ProcessUserRoles.RoleId
    WHERE 1=1
        AND ProcessUser.ProcessUserId = ProcessUserRoles.ProcessUserId
        AND Roles.RoleDescription = 'Super User'
于 2009-10-16T15:13:42.857 回答

Your query is basicly bringing back a list of user/roles since your user has two roles he comes back twice, you filter out one row by excluding the role of 'sysadmin'. What it sounds like you want to do is exclude all users who have a role of 'sysadmin' regardless of they have other roles. You would need to add something to you query like. (I'm going by your query not your description)

  where processuse0_.id not in 
  select ( userId  from 
           inner join 
           on ProcessUserRoles.roleId=Role.id 
           where role.name != 'sysadmin'

于 2009-10-16T15:21:22.300 回答

Run a nested query. First select all users with the role of sysadmin. Then select the complement of this, or all users that are not in this result.

于 2009-10-16T15:15:13.043 回答


TypedQuery<ProcessUser> query = em.createQuery("" +  
   " SELECT p FROM ProcessUser p " +
   " WHERE p.roles.name <> ?1", ProcessUser.class);
query.setParameter(1, "sysadmin");
return query.getResultList;
于 2013-02-24T16:34:42.430 回答