在配置 Shibbolet SP 时,我不得不在重新配置 shibboleth2.xml 文件后多次停止和启动 shibd 服务。首先它工作正常,但后来我无法再次启动它!
在 cmd 上运行此命令时C:\>net start shibd_default
The Shibboleth 2 Daemon <Default> service is starting.
The Shibboleth 2 Daemon <Default> service could not be started.
The service did not report an error.
并尝试从 Control Panel > Services > Administrative Tools 运行它时,出现此错误
The Shibboleth 2 Daemon <Default> service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.
我重新安装了 Shibboleth SP 来解决这个问题,但仍然出现这个错误!