我正在使用 joomla 3.0,我想当用户打开 joomla 3.0 站点时,首先只打开登录页面,然后登录后他可以访问网站。
If you want to "protect" the whole site with login the best option is to turn the site off and then the user will need to login after opening the intranet page. Its probably the cleanest way how to to it without modules/plugins.
As we are doing it in my company (we are also running intranet on Joomla!) is, that all the articles are set to registred and the landing page of intranet just contain warm welcome and login form.
One thing to mention: Forcing this login for viewing some article/other content is not secure at all, mostly the local instalation will run on database with root access without pass (default setting) and with unecrypted database easily accessible. This is something to consider. If you are running this intranet in small company with loyal employees or without sensitive information you should be fine if not you should put more stress on the security issues.