I have requirement to group push for different sections. Like if title include G1 and other push with title G2 then two different push notification need to delivered on same handset

string message = "group";
string alertValue = "sports";
push.QueueNotification(android.WithJson("{ alert : " + message + ", alertValue: " + alertValue + " }"));

Above code might be working in iPhone but it is not working in Android it is giving Invalid JSON error. I want payload for android for grouping push notifications.


1 回答 1


我不太确定,但我认为您将不得不单独发送通知,因为 Android 操作系统会接收和显示推送通知。所以你不能在设备上控制它,如果你想在设备上单独显示它,你必须与服务器分开发送。

本教程也可以帮助你。 https://developer.stackmob.com/tutorials/android/Push-Notifications


于 2013-05-22T07:09:59.507 回答