老实说,我对编程和 Java 还很陌生,所以它可能没有我想象的那么复杂。但我的问题是,当我创建一个名为 randScan 的 Scanner 对象并尝试将其设置为扫描我的 secretNumber 对象(随机生成)时,我收到一条错误消息,提示“没有为 Scanner(int) 找到合适的构造函数...”和然后是它下面的许多其他错误(输入太多)。我只是不明白为什么它不会扫描随机数,因为它是一个整数。
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
// Generates three random single digit ints. The first cannot be zero
// and all three will be different. Called by public method play()
public String generateSecretNumber()
secretNumber = (int)(generator.nextInt(888)+101) ;
// scan the random integer
Scanner randScan = new Scanner(secretNumber) ; //<- THIS IS THE PROBLEM!
num1 = randScan.nextInt(); // scan the first digit
num2 = randScan.nextInt() ; // scan the second digit
num3 = randScan.nextInt() ; // scan the third digit
while ( num1 == 0 || num1 == num2 ||
num2 == num3 || num1 == num3) ; // re-generate if any digits are the same
return number ;