我创建了一个 susy 网格,并试图将其用于复杂的嵌套导航。我遇到的问题是我想在标题范围内有一个 0em $gutter-width (我正在使用导航的标签),但在整个页面的其余部分,我想要一个 1em 的排水沟. 我的导航栏是 100% 的屏幕宽度,理想情况下能够顺利处理小数列。
$container-width: 100%
@include container
// basic div configuration for all of the various horizontal navigations etc
> div
// do something here
// do some one off grid math to help with the drop down navigation system
> ul
@include horizontal_ul_structure(5,5)
// approximate the size of the li element
> li
mixin (horizontal_ul_structure):现在嵌套效果很好,悬停 ul 应该是 100% 宽度。因此,我在 1 列的上下文中将其设为 12 列。
@mixin horizontal_ul_structure($parent, $elements)
// best if this works as no decimal otherwise screws up everything!
$element_size: $parent / $elements
// assumes that it will be called in the context of a ul
// span the parent # number of elements across
@include span-columns($parent)
// now make sure that the child spans the proper amount of elements with no overflow
> li
background-color: gray
@include span-columns($element_size, $parent)
@include span-columns($element_size omega, $parent)
// do a clever little hack to keep the anchor tags looking correct?
> a
position: relative
width: $column-width + $gutter-width
left: $gutter-padding/2
height: 100%
background-color: brown
在这里,如果您注意到我正在使用的锚标记 hack 基本上将锚标记扩展到 li 元素之外,以防止我不工作的排水沟。