我想知道在用例实现图上显示一段时间后出现的事件的方法是什么。例如,假设一个演员点击他的智能手机的显示屏,显示屏打开并在 5 分钟后关闭。UML 中是否允许在“DisplayOFF(5min)”之类的事件上写一条消息,如果没有,最合适的方法是什么?


1 回答 1


What do you mean by "use-case realization diagram"? UML use case diagrams are unaware of sequence flows. It is also quite solution-independent, because it is rather meant to show objectives of a system. Have a look at UML sequence diagrams and check whether or not they satisfy your prescribed need.

于 2013-04-03T10:44:33.243 回答