我是 Flash 新手,在我的代码中找不到错误。我希望宇宙飞船能够以矢量加速,不能加速超过最大速度,在停止加速时保持该速度矢量但随后会受到摩擦(太空尘埃,))。(它发生在二维阶段。)
我认为我的数学是正确的,但我得到一个 velVector 的错误有时会返回 NaN - 这是我的代码:
var friction:Number = .96;
var force:Number = .1;
var maxVel:Number = 3;
var accVector:Object = new Object();
var velVector:Object = new Object();
var velocity:Number;
var acceleration:Number;
function accelerate():void {
curRotation.vx = Math.cos(rotation/180*Math.PI);
curRotation.vy = Math.sin(rotation/180*Math.PI);
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(curRotation.vy, curRotation.vx);
velocity = Math.sqrt(velVector.vx^2 + velVector.vy^2); //get velocity in both directions
acceleration = (maxVel - velocity)/maxVel*force; //this is to make it harder to accelerate when it approaches maxvelocity
accVector.vx = Math.cos(angle) * acceleration; //accelerate in each dimension
accVector.vy = Math.sin(angle) * acceleration;
velVector.vx += accVector.vx; //add acceleration to velocity
velVector.vy += accVector.vy;
function drift():void {
velVector.vx *= friction; //decrease velocity when not accelerating
velVector.vy *= friction;
function moveShip():void {
trace("velocity", velocity)
x += velVector.vx; //move
y += velVector.vy;