class Player
private const int gravity = 2; //force of gravity on the object
private const int maxHeight = 5; //change as needed
private const int msecsToMax = 1500; //change as needed
private int yPos = 0;
private int timeOffGround = 0;
private yVel = 0;
//other functions and stuff
void update(GameTime gt)
//check if the player is on the ground and update as necessary
timeOffGround = 0;
timeOffGround += gt.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
//update the player's velocity
yVel -= isOnGround() ? 0 : gravity; //no velocity when on the ground
if(Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.SPACE) && timeOffGround < msecsToMax))
yVel += (maxHeight / msecToMax);
yPos += yVel;
在跳跃的重音期间,Y 速度完全被功率曲线覆盖。在体面期间,重力接管。跳跃速度由jumpTime
public bool isJumping; //Is the player in a jump?
private bool wasJumping; //Did the player just exit a jump?
private float jumpTime; //Time the player has been in a jump (Useful for adding a power curve or to max out on jump height)
MaxJumpTime = .8f; //If you want to max out a jump, otherwise remove the relevant parts of the code
JumpLaunchVelocity = -3000.0f; //How much velocity to "jump" with, this may depend on your speed of your player, so it will need some ajustment
private float DoJump(float velocityY, GameTime gameTime)
// If the player wants to jump
if (isJumping)
// Begin or continue a jump
if ((!wasJumping && IsOnGround) || jumpTime > 0.0f)
//Do things like animate, or play a sound here
jumpTime += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
// If we are in the ascent of the jump
if (0.0f < jumpTime && jumpTime <= MaxJumpTime)
// Fully override the vertical velocity with a power curve that gives players more control over the top of the jump (If you dont want this you can remove the Math.Pow)
velocityY = JumpLaunchVelocity * (1.0f - (float)Math.Pow(jumpTime / MaxJumpTime, JumpControlPower));
jumpTime = 0.0f; // Reached the apex of the jump
// Continues not jumping or cancels a jump in progress
jumpTime = 0.0f;
wasJumping = isJumping;
return velocityY;
velocity.Y = DoJump(velocity.Y, gameTime);
如果遇到任何问题,请查看Platformer Starter Kit !