我正在尝试编写一个脚本,该脚本将发送随机 SOAP 请求以测试另一个进程。但是我似乎无法创建变量。每次我将代码从记事本复制/粘贴到 PS 控制台时,脚本都会以 >> 结尾(即使在多次按 Enter 后也是如此)。即使我只复制/粘贴$SOAPRequest脚本的一部分,也会发生同样的事情。如果我注释掉整个 here-string,脚本就会运行(尽管由于缺少 SOAP 内容而出现错误)。


  • 用反斜杠转义英镑符号
  • 删除包含磅符号的行
  • 在 Powershell v1 和 Powershell v2 中使用 SOAP 请求创建变量
  • 删除所有带有 http 地址的行
  • 使用@''@(不仅没有用,而且我需要变量扩展)

问题:如何让 Powershell 将 here-string 中的内容设置为$SOAPRequest变量?换句话说,我怎样才能停止>>?通常这意味着我错过了括号、括号或双引号,但我似乎找不到类似的东西。我不知道为什么这不起作用。


$SOAPRequest 变量:

$SOAPRequest = [xml] @"
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:soa="http://bmc.com/ao/xsd/2008/09/soa">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">#PASSWD#</wsse:Password>
<soa:Name required="true">Software Request</soa:Name>
<soa:Value soa:type="xs:anyType">
<Emails />

尽管这个问题似乎与 here-string 相关,但这是上下文脚本的其余部分:

# Variables
$pkgID = 346
$pkgNameList = @("Package_ABC", "Package_DEF", "Package_XYZ", "Package_123" )

#Set start/end datestamps
$now= Get-Date
$end = Get-Date "04/03/2013 08:00 AM"

$testDirectory = "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\AutomatedSOAPTest"
if (!(Test-Path $testDirectory)){
    New-Item $testDirectory -itemType directory | Out-Null

# Functions
#Function to write to SOAP request log
function Write-Log($message)
    $logDate = Get-Date -format "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"
    $logPath = "$testDirectory\progress.log"

    Write-Output "$logDate $message" | Out-File -FilePath $logPath -Append
}#end Write-Log function

#Function to write to SOAP return log
function Write-Return($xml, $item)
    $logDate = Get-Date -format "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"
    $logPath = "$testDirectory\SOAP_return-$item.log"

    $success = $xml.status.success
    $message = $xml.status.message

    Write-Output "Request returned for $item on $logDate" | Out-File -FilePath $logPath -Append
    Write-Output "Success: $success" | Out-File -FilePath $logPath -Append
    Write-Output $message | Out-File -FilePath $logPath -Append
}#end Write-Log function

#Function to call SOAP request
function Execute-SOAPRequest(
    [Int]    $pkgID,
    [String] $pkgName
    $SOAPRequest = [xml] @"
        <SOAP request content here>

    $SOAPurl = "http://<site where requests are sent>"

    Write-Log "Sending SOAP Request for $pkgName To Server: $SOAPurl"
    $soapWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($SOAPurl)

    $soapWebRequest.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=`"utf-8`""
    $soapWebRequest.Accept      = "text/xml"
    $soapWebRequest.Method      = "POST"

    Write-Log "Initiating Send."
    $requestStream = $soapWebRequest.GetRequestStream()

    Write-Log "Send Complete, Waiting For Response."
    $resp = $soapWebRequest.GetResponse()
    $responseStream = $resp.GetResponseStream()
    $soapReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]($responseStream)
    $ReturnXml = [Xml] $soapReader.ReadToEnd()

    Write-Log "Response Received."

    Write-Return $ReturnXml.status.success
    Write-Return $ReturnXml.status.message
}#End Execute-SOAPRequest function

# Code

while($now -lt $end)
    $pkgList = Get-Random -input $pkgNameList -count 4

    foreach($pkgName in $pkgList)
        #Run function to execute SOAP request
        Execute-SOAPRequest $pkgID $pkgName


    Start-Sleep -s 3600
    $now = Get-Date

Execute-SOAPRequest 函数的代码来自这里:http ://www.iislogs.com/steveschofield/execute-a-soap-request-from-powershell


1 回答 1


您的此处字符串中的终止“@”必须从第 1 列开始。

当您将其粘贴到代码中时,它会出现缩进,并且缩进中的前导空格导致解析器继续读取以下代码作为此处字符串的一部分。由于字符串从未正确终止,>> 提示输入此处字符串的更多数据,或终止的“@.

编辑:如果您不想弄乱 Process 块中的缩进,您可以将可扩展的 here-string 作为脚本块移动到 Begin 块中,稍后再调用它:

$SoapString = {
This is my here-string containing $variable

$variable = "MY VARIABLE"

  foreach ($x in 1)

This is my here-string containing MY VARIABLE

如果你不喜欢让脚本的头部变得杂乱无章,你可以将 Being 块放在底部。Powershell 仍然会按照 Begin、Process、End 的顺序运行它们,无论它们在脚本中的顺序是什么:

$variable = "MY VARIABLE"

  foreach ($x in 1)

$SoapString = {
This is my here-string containing $variable

This is my here-string containing MY VARIABLE
于 2013-04-02T17:36:13.763 回答