


我不搜索具体的响应,但是,我需要一些指导来找到 CSS 问题。¿ 当我在减少/响应菜单中按下导航栏底部时,我在哪里看到发生了什么?我不知道:(


1 回答 1


I couldn't tell you for sure without looking at code but if you are not properly removing views from the DOM you could have multiple bindings to the click on the navbar. So the view may not be showing but events are still being fired. For example you could be showing the navbar and use it to navigate the page and somewhere along the line the navbar is recreated binding yet another event to it even though only one is showing. You need to make sure to unbind all events for your views. A good article to solve this is:

Backbone View Managment

Just a thought but can't really know without looking at code.

于 2013-04-02T22:02:04.790 回答