当提供页面的时间超过 10 秒时,我希望通过电子邮件收到提醒。我不能使用外接显示器,因为这是一个封闭系统。


02-Apr-2013 10:19:50 com.domain.service.core.actions.aaa.GetInfo handleAction
SEVERE: Post call to Widget Service Request WS
02-Apr-2013 10:19:50 com.domain.service.core.actions.aaa.GetInfo handleAction
SEVERE: ERROR: cannot attach result to XML doc
02-Apr-2013 10:19:50 org.apache.jsp.run _jspService
INFO: 35 |  |  | ffffHM6Ly8qLmhhcnJvdy5nb3YudWsv | page1 - time = 7905 ms
02-Apr-2013 10:19:55 org.apache.jsp.run _jspService
INFO: 35 |  |  | ODeeeeeeM6Ly8qLmhh45y4y55YudWsv | summary - time = 7800 ms
02-Apr-2013 10:19:56 org.apache.jsp.run _jspService
INFO: 35 |  |  | ODeeeeeeM6Ly8qLmhh45y4y55YudWsv | page2 - time = 3430 ms
02-Apr-2013 10:19:56 org.apache.jsp.run _jspService
INFO: 35 |  |  | ODeeeeeeM6Ly8qLmhh45y4y55YudWsv | page1 - time = 4210 ms
02-Apr-2013 10:19:56 org.apache.jsp.run _jspService
INFO: 35 |  |  | ODeeeeeeM6Ly8qLmhh45y4y55YudWsv | page3 - time = 4370 ms
02-Apr-2013 10:19:56 org.apache.jsp.run _jspService
INFO: 35 |  |  | ODeeeeeeM6Ly8qLmhh45y4y55YudWsv | page1 - time = 5708 ms
02-Apr-2013 10:19:56 com.domain.service.netServ.netServSTUFF createSession
INFO: creating session. token: xxxxxx
02-Apr-2013 10:19:56 com.domain.service.netServ.netServSTUFF createSession
INFO: creating session. encrypted token: xxxxxx
02-Apr-2013 10:19:56 com.domain.service.core.actions.user.CreateNetsolSession handleAction
INFO: netServ Token: GisLCpQwnMrMEWa5bHuQQw++
02-Apr-2013 10:19:57 org.apache.jsp.run _jspService
INFO: 35 |  |  | ODeeeeeeM6Ly8qLmhh45y4y55YudWsv | home - time = 14000 ms




1 回答 1


如果我得到这个正确你的 Tomcat 日志使用 2 行 purr 事件。

下面是一些 PowerShell 行,它们将扫描整个日志文件一次,并为home - time超过 10 秒的每个实例发送一封电子邮件。

$file = Get-Content tomcatlog.txt

$lines = $file.Count

#scaning the file for strings like  "home - time = #### ms"
if($file[$i] -like '*home - time = * ms'){

        #The date will be on the previous line
        $date = $file[$i-1].Substring(0,20)

        #Get the Milliseconds
        $time_index = $file[$i].LastIndexOf('=') + 2
        $time = [int]($file[$i].Substring($time_index).Replace(' ms',''))

        #Calculate the seconds
        $seconds = $time/1000

        "Line $i`: On $date the time is took to load was $sec seconds"

        if($seconds -ge 10){
            Send-MailMessage `
            -To 'Michael Bluth <Michale.Bluth@BluthCompany.com>' `
            -From 'Bob Loblaw <Bob.Loblaw@BobLoblaw.com>' `
            -Subject 'Tomcat' `
            -Body "Line $i`: On $date the time is took to load was $sec seconds" `
            -SmtpServer 'smtp.bobloblaw.com'

现在,从您的问题来看,您似乎想要对这个日志文件进行一些实时监控。因此,每当一个新事件被添加到日志中,并且home - time = 11000 ms大于 10 秒时,发送一封电子邮件。如果您每天只运行一次此脚本,您将收到前一天的重复电子邮件,因为日志文件是相同的。

现在,如果您在每天开始时创建一个新的日志文件,并且在一天结束时运行脚本,那将会改变事情。因此,在脚本的末尾,您可以添加一行来重命名日志文件Rename-Item -Path C:\tomcatlog.txt -NewName "$(Get-Date -UFormat %y%m%d)_tomcatlog.txt",并假设您的服务器会重新创建 Tomcat 日志。这样,您每天只会收到当天的电子邮件。

您可以将重复次数加快到每 12 小时、每 6 小时或每 1 小时。你会积累很多文件,但它会接近实时。

试试 2

$new_log_path = 'tomcatlog.txt'
$old_log_path = 'copy_tomcatlog.txt'

$lastwritetime = (Get-Item $new_log_path).LastWriteTime
while($lastwritetime -eq (Get-Item $new_log_path).LastWriteTime){
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100

$newfile = Get-Content $new_log_path
$oldfile = Get-Content $old_log_path #Just a copy of the old original log file

#You calculate the difference of what was just written to the file
$updates = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $newfile -DifferenceObject $oldfile

#Copy the file so we can as reference of what already was parsed
Copy-Item -Path $new_log_path -Destination $old_log_path -Force

$len = $updates.count
    #it would be $updates[$i].InputObject instead of $file[$i]

虽然文件的写入时间不会改变,但只需睡眠并在 100 毫秒内再次检查。当写入时间确实发生变化时,找出写入文件的内容并仅解析写入文件的新信息。

于 2013-04-02T20:13:43.563 回答