我从其他答案的代码开始,然后添加了一个带有原始文件夹列表的 JSON 文件(包括每个文件夹的文件数)。删除空目录并记录它们。
param (
# if you want to reload a previous file list
#$stat = ConvertFrom-Json (gc dir-cleanup-filecount-by-directory.json -join "`n")
if ($Clear) {
$stat = @()
} elseif ($stat.Count -ne 0 -and (-not "$($stat[0].DirPath)".StartsWith($PWD.ProviderPath))) {
Write-Warning "Path changed, clearing cached file list."
Read-Host -Prompt 'Press -Enter-'
$stat = @()
$lineCount = 0
if ($stat.Count -eq 0) {
$stat = gci -Recurse -Directory | %{ # -Exclude 'Visual Studio 2013' # test in 'Documents' folder
if (++$lineCount % 100 -eq 0) { Write-Warning "file count $lineCount" }
New-Object psobject -Property @{
FileCount=($_ | gci -Force -File).Count;
DirCount=($_ | gci -Force -Directory).Count
$stat | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File dir-cleanup-filecount-by-directory.json -Verbose
$delelteListTxt = 'dir-cleanup-emptydirs-{0}-{1}.txt' -f ((date -f s) -replace '[-:]','' -replace 'T','_'),$env:USERNAME
$stat |
? FileCount -eq 0 |
sort -property @{Expression="DirPathLength";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="DirPath";Descending=$false} |
select -ExpandProperty DirPath | #-First 10 |
?{ @(gci $_ -Force).Count -eq 0 } | %{
Remove-Item $_ -Verbose # -WhatIf # uncomment to see the first pass of folders to be cleaned**
$_ | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 $delelteListTxt
sleep 0.1
# ** - The list you'll see from -WhatIf isn't a complete list because parent folders
# might also qualify after the first level is cleaned. The -WhatIf list will
# show correct breath, which is what I want to see before running the command.