I'm getting a syntax error, I've changed it multiple times, re-typed it and tried to draw a map even. Now after my head is about to expload, out of desperation I'm turning to someone who has an eye for this.
I might be pushing it trying to grab distinct counts of the iif statements, but probably this question is less technical and more about having an eye...
I don't get problems with the FROM/WHERE clauses but they are provided for additional reference.
Please help me if I'm doing something totally wrong:
(SELECT DISTINCT(COUNT(IIF(ISNULL(CombineTables.[Product Description]),
IIF(ISNULL(CombineTables.[Product Number (OEM)]),
IIF(ISNULL(CombineTables.[Product Number (under supplier PA)],"Incomplete Data",CombineTables.[Product Number (under supplier PA)])),
CombineTables.[Product Number (OEM)]),
CombineTables.[Product Description])))
FROM CombineTables WHERE [PA#]=Forms!PADiagnosticsForm!Combo2 AND "QTR." & " " & CombineTables.Quarter & "-" & CombineTables.Year=Forms!PADiagnosticsForm!List68)
FROM CombineTables
WHERE CombineTables.[Price Agreement Price]*CombineTables.Quantity-CombineTables.[Total Extended Price]<>0 And CombineTables.[PA#]=Forms!PADiagnosticsForm!Combo2 And "QTR." & " " & CombineTables.Quarter & "-" & CombineTables.Year=Forms!PADiagnosticsForm!List68;
I thank you in advance.